Title: Distributed consciousness: information processes that may build a global mind.
Abstract: According to theories of situated, embodied, enactive and distributed cognition,
mental processes such as perception, memory, and problem solving extend well outside
the brain. For these processes, we rely on our body, environment, tools, technologies,
symbols and other people. The Internet functions as a universal information medium that
may coordinate all these components and processes into a global brain, i.e. a nervous
system for the planet. However, a recurrent issue is whether such a distributed cognitive
system would exhibit consciousness. To approach that issue, I review basic theories of
consciousness and examine in how far they allow an "extension" outside of the brain. I
argue that the basic requirement is that there is strong co-variation or coordination
between internal and external processes, which perhaps can be measured with
conditional entropy (rather than the mutual information that is more commonly used to
measure "information integration"). I discuss several observed examples of "extended"
consciousness, and wonder whether they could develop into a global consciousness
residing in a "noosphere".